so men have started to shift towards some new fashions. fashions some people may even consider feminine. but like i have said in previous posts, fashion can spring from all sources; so both sexes can influence each other's fashions. many times (some say most times) menswear influences women's fashion on a regular basis. but i guess sometimes women can influence men too.

so what about the manpurse? is it completely taboo and wrong? i mean men do need to carry things around as well don't they--and sometimes wallets just may not be enough. women get to tote around bags the size of watermelons, filled with sunglasses, beauty products, wallet(s), hair care, mobile phones and god knows what else. some men... may require the same needs. so are they allowed?
whose to say... they'd probably do it anyway. but is it a fashion no no? i say it depends on the murse. some fashionable male celebs sport the male purses on a daily basis... but maybe they are too ahead of the game? or maybe they're just in need of the fashion police. it's a touch call. but i think if it's a side shoulder bag/murse, it's acceptable, and even cute sometimes. if it's a hand carried or a smaller handeled murse... i'd be a little worried for the man.
john mayer here has the right idea :)

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