color being a huge part of asian style, the once all black american fashion staple is now changing. western fashion has seen that it's not all about the dark colors, vibrant hues can be good too. red is a very symbolic and metaphorical color for china and japan. so the asian red became a huge accessory to the color black, and it still is.

the high neck collars on tunics, pulled over flaps on coats and shirts and kimono style sweaters or jackets are all over the market these days. these sophisticated and traditional clothing styles worn by chinese or japanese women for generations, are now being weaved into western fashions for that classy mod look.

even hairstyles from eastern traditions are being seen on models and fashion trendies. the high and tight bun is traditionally very asian, it is being seen on women every day in the western hemisphere. very simple and classic styles have been pulled from the east and brought to the west. of course some of these styles are overly embellished for runway fashions, but a more every day look can be generated as well.

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